Your journey to a meaningful career starts with ZF LIFETEC

Material Planner (Contract determinat 2 ani)

Country/Region:  RO

Roman, Neamt, RO, 611040

At ZF LIFETEC, we save lives through cutting-edge technology. With over 60 years of automotive safety innovation, we blend start-up agility with corporate stability to drive meaningful impact worldwide. Operating across 51 locations in 22 countries, our global presence amplifies our mission to make roads safer and save lives.

Join us in a supportive and dynamic environment committed to safety, innovation, and reliability. As a part of our international team, your contributions spark industry-leading innovations in automotive safety. Our inclusive and diverse working environment promotes creativity, career growth, and continuous development.

Req ID 72552 | Roman, Romania, TRW Airbag Systems SRL



  • Planifica productia de taiere in functie de necesitatile productiei de coasere;
  • Verifica sugestiile de comanda din SAP si lanseaza orderele de materiale catre furnizori astfel incat stocul in fabrica sa fie minim, dar suficient pentru realizarea continua a productiei si urmareste respectarea termenelor de livrare;
  • Verifica si analizeaza comenzile trimise furnizorilor (pe termen scurt si lung) in functie de capacitatea comunicata de acestia si alerteaza superiorii in cazul in care capacitatea este diferita sau nu corespunde cerintelor;
  • Identifica cauzele care ar putea conduce la intarzierea livrarilor, gaseste solutii viabile si informeaza clientii;
  • Escaladeaza problemele care pot perturba procesul normal de aprovizionare;
  • Solutioneaza litigiile cantitative si reclamatiile logistice de la furnizor;
  • Intocmeste rapoartele de logistica specifice departamentului sau cele cerute de supervizor;
  • Responsabil pentru overstocuri, oprirea productiei sau transporturile speciale, in cazul in care acestea au fost generate de o gestiune necorespunzatoare a comenzilor;
  • Responsabil pentru gestiunea si intocmirea previziunilor pentru stoc;
  • Propune solutii concrete pentru reducerea costurilor si imbunatatirea calitatii muncii.


Profilul candidatului

  • Minim 2 ani experienta pe un rol similar;
  • Studii medii/superioare;
  • Limba engleza - nivel mediu/avansat;
  • MS Office – nivel mediu/avansat;
  • Cunostinte SAP – constituie un avantaj;
  • Capacitate de analiza si sinteza;
  • Bune abilitati de comunicare si intelegere a proceselor.



  • Program de lucru flexibil;
  • 20 zile concediu anual;
  • Tichete de masa ( in cuantum de 30 RON RON );
  • Prima cadou Paste si Craciun;
  • Al 13-lea salariu conform politicii companiei;


Be part of our ZF Lifetec team as Material Planner (Contract determinat 2 ani) and apply now!




  • Innovative Impact: Shape the future of safety with life-saving technology that truly matters.
  • Dynamic Workplace: Thrive in an agile, collaborative environment where every idea counts.
  • Culture of Excellence: Be part of a team with over 60 years of high standards and groundbreaking achievements.
  • Growth & Empowerment: Advance your career with strong support for personal and professional development.

Diversity & Inclusion

At ZF LIFETEC, we are committed to building a culture where inclusiveness thrives and diversity is valued. We welcome unique perspectives and actively work to remove barriers, empowering all employees to reach their full potential. Guided by this vision, we innovate and create life-saving technology that makes a real impact on automotive safety.